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J.D. Rankin


J.D. began his paralegal career in 2007 by obtaining paralegal certification at the University of San Diego, graduating with honors. From 2008–2021, J.D. worked for the San Diego District Attorney’s Office supporting prosecutors in various civil and criminal divisions.  In addition to witness coordination and specializing in courtroom technology to support trials, J.D. also trained fellow paralegals, assisted deputy attorneys in organizing and creating training seminars for attorneys, as well as spearheaded an overhaul of the office’s CODIS database protocol to address backlog and efficiently identify & link DNA hits in the CODIS database to current and prior cases. From 2021–2023, J.D. relocated to Boise, Idaho to work for the Idaho Attorney General’s Office in the Civil Litigation Division. In this position, J.D. assisted deputy attorneys in a number of high-profile cases involving the State of Idaho—managing e-discovery as well as bluebooking, cite-checking, and formatting motions. In August 2023, J.D. began his tenure with Forrest Weldon Law Group, implementing the knowledge and skills gained from his prior experience in public service including motion practice, e-discovery, and courtroom technology.